Wednesday 22 September 2010

Give me all that change!

That night was very quiet. It was the reason why I agreed to take those young couple from Oxford Circus to Hilton on Park Lane so cheaply. Those guys were in their early twenties and seemed nice and friendly. As I was about to start that lift some frustrated black cab driver, clearly with no social life, nearly run us over, his engine yelling, his face screwing up fiercely. Notwithstading I got to Maddox Street, then to Grosvenor Sq. I passed through Park Lane and as I approached Hilton hotel they told me to carry on into those tiny lanes placed between Curzon St. and Piccadilly. A few moments later we stopped in front of a splendid building. It had a cosy reception on its ground floor. The boy and the girl got off my trike. He produced a handsome wad of cash, handed one note to me and demanded a fiver change. I realised that I only had about two pounds change on me. Not even two one pound coins... One 50p and a lot of a petty change... I felt like an idiot so I moved towards the entrance saying that I could surely change that note in the reception. "This is not a hotel!" - said that girl as she gave me a harsh look - "THIS IS OUR APARTMENT!" "I'm really sorry guys, but apparently I've got only around two pounds change.." "How much?" The guy was watching me leerily. "Have you got a five pounds note?" - asked the girl. "Look guys - maybe there's an open shop around. I'll take you there for free and we'll change the money..." "It's too late! Everything is already shut." - answered that guy gravely. "Have you got a five pounds note?"- repeated the girl like a parrot. "I told you I didn't..." I held all my change in my hand. Boy gave me an angry look and ordered: "Give me all that change!" He caught it, turned his back on me and they walked off very offended.

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