Saturday, 30 January 2010

Just water mate!

Once I stopped in Oxford Street, in an unused bus stop. I was checking something about my trike. Bound up in what I was doing, I paid little attention to my surroundings. All of the sudden some jocose lads splashed something over my back through the window of their van. Laughing aloud they sped up and would surely drive off but the traffic light close by just turned red... In a blink of an eye I was standing next to the wide open window on a driver`s side. "WTF was that???" - I shouted, conspicuously angry. There were three of them sitting inside, very remorseful. "Mate! I swear! That was just pure water!" - hastily spoke the driver. "Look" - he produced a large bottle of still mineral water and a small, bright orange, plastic water pistol... I straight away went back to my rickshaw.

1 comment:

  1. Once I got something nasty on my back as well, Dom. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to face the bastard at that time. The encounter would not be something beautiful to see, so to speak.
