Tuesday 25 May 2010


I went out in the afternoon! For me it was an achievement :~) I stopped by Covent Garden. Sun was shining, yet windy gusts kept reminding me how far are the tropics. She appeared out of nowhere. In her late forties, black clad, big sunglasses, bright red lipstick. I thought she wanted a lift but she just said: "It`s quite hot, isn`t it?" "Eh... Surely just for a while..." "You`ve got to be optimistic!" "Well, I saw a forecast..." "Yeah! So did I!" She showed me a jacket that she carried in her hand and laughed. "It must be tough on your legs." - she looked at my rickshaw. "One can easily get used to it." "How is the business, anyway?" I pulled a face. "Bad!" "You`ve got to be optimistic!" I smiled. "Is it working for you?" "Well, not for last two weeks, but yeah! You know, seven weeks ago I told myself - you have to get the best out of every day!" I watched her in silence. "I`m from Belfast. I came to London for this Welshman. Recently things turned ugly. You know, domestic violence..." "I`m sorry!" "Well, I wasn`t too happy myself, believe me!" She chuckled. "The problem is, I still care for him..." She said softly, playing with her mobile. "I see."
A guy asked me about some restaurant, I never heard of. I admitted that to him and all three of us laughed. He was gone and she said: "I will tell you Good Bye in Irish, wait a second!" She looked down and raised her hand to her temple. Finelly she uttered a few rustling sounds. I smiled. "Nice!" We shook hands. "Take care!" "And you too!" She walked away.
Two teenage girls stopped next to me and asked: "Parlez-vous frances?"


  1. Good afternoon, Mr Talkative.

    You're great writing. (wrinchungtinwrin)


  2. This job gives one the opportunity to have meetings like this one. This is priceless! I like the beauty that is within these simple things.
