Saturday 20 November 2010

What is this?

I saw those four lads on Regent St. First I thought that they were gay. Mainly because one of them, who nota bene had a very conspicuous fake suntan and was wearing quite peculiar track suit, exclaimed seeing me: "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!" "Pecunia non olet!" - I said to myself and asked them if they needed a lift anywhere. One of them got closer and straight away tried to get on my trike. The plastic rain shield worked and he didn't manage to get through. Meanwhile the one who liked me that much was next to me. "You know what you look like?" - he asked jeeringly. Burbling and slurring he compared me to some fucking horse fuck knows where from. Suddenly I got it all very clear. How could I had taken those raving Essex boys for some frisky homosexuals?!? "What is this on your chin?!" - aggressively he pointed out at my goatee. "Your mum's pubic hair!" - I answered somewhat hastily and surprisingly even for myself. Saying that I pressed the pedals. The bastards seethed with anger. One of them tried to grab my trike's canopy the other kicked my rickshaw. I stopped and asked what were they doing. The four bullies closed their ranks and the "sunburnt" call me to "come back here". Three big black guys, waiting on a bus stop nearby started to say something about skinheads. The one wearing tracky announced that I had a very bad breath and therefore should go to brush my teeth. His companions cackled and together off they went.

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