Wednesday 3 March 2010


One very, very experienced rider told me that when he was but a beginner this situation really took place. On one occasion he was stopped by some guys who told him that they wanted to go to where "charlie" was. They asked him so, if he knew where "charlie" would be. "Sure thing!" - was his answer. He got`em on his trike and quickly took`em to Prince Charles Cinema on 7 Leicester Place.


  1. The first night I went out with two friends in Compostela, a young man came to us with a question: 'Do you know where is Pepa The Wolf?'

    (Pepa la Loba is a typical cafe in Compostela but we didn't know that yet).

    Anyway, here the point is that people need no GPS but rickshaw riders!

  2. Agreed! That`s exactly what people do need!!!!

  3. good they didn't ask for smack for the guy would probably punch them. charlie...that one is brilliant

  4. Hahaha! I would have take him to one of those geezers from Camden Town!
